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Instructions for Intramuscular Injection

  1. Open your box, logo side up. Once open you will see your supplies for administering your own injection. Supplies include 4 prefilled syringes with your specific custom dose prefilled with a new ready to use the needle, 4 injection needles in sterile packing, 4 alcohol pads, and a plastic safety container holding your syringes in place (do not discard as you will replace your used syringes back in the box to safely). Additional disposing option is also recommended below (see number 9).
  2. Once you have all your supplies, clean the work surface with isopropyl alcohol and wash your hands.
  3. Remove the plastic cap or peel back the paper and attach the needle to the syringe without touching the hub of the needle as you can see on the tutorial video at
  4. Choose your injection site. DO NOT use the same area for each injection — rotate sites. For example, 1st and 3rd week of month injection administered to left vastus lateralis, 2nd and 4th week of the month, injection administered to the right vastus lateralis.
  5. Clean your skin with an alcohol wipe, using a circular motion, working outwards.
  6. Remove the cap and hold the needle at a 90° angle. Gently squeeze the skin with one hand and quickly insert the needle straight into the muscle.
  7. Pull back the plunger; if blood is seen in the syringe, remove the needle from the skin and change the needle to a clean one of the same size. It is alright to use the drug already in the syringe.
  8. Inject the drug slowly.
  9. Remove the needle and press the site gently with an alcohol swab until the bleeding has stopped.
  10. Dispose of the needle and syringe in a hard-walled container such as a coffee tin with a lid or a detergent bottle. Most often, this can be included in regular household waste. Please contact your local department of health prior to disposal.

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